I'm sorry to say I think I lied a while back ago when I said I would be blogging more soon. I have really been trying but it just seems like this summer has been out of control. I'm still not moved yet so I'm dealing with lots of house stuff. This past weekend my car died. Just in case you don't know......when the engine light on your car comes on it means STOP! I was on a 2 hour trip home when my engine light came on. Last time that happened I hadn't put my gas cap on tight enough so I thought it was no big deal. Everything else seemed fine! About 10 minutes later I noticed the temperature gauge was running all the way past the H. Still things seemed good, no steam was coming out so I turned off the AC and kept going. By this time I was 15 minutes from home and decided I just needed to get there! Well 5 minutes from home (thank goodness it was that close) my car completely died! Steam was coming out and it was bad! I think I might have to get a new car! So, while checking out the car dealers I saw this cool little car! It's a 1960 Dodge Valiant so I'm not quite sure why it was in the lot of the local Honda dealer. Anyway, I have always thought this was a cool little car. When I was in high school a good friend had one (and it was vintage at that time too!). He would take us to lunch everday in this awesome little car. I always thought it was so neat that instead of having the typical gear shifter it had buttons on the dashboard you had to push to select the differenty gears. Maybe someone else who knows a lot about cars can give us some more infor on this car. The only thing I know about cars is what looks cute! And, I definitely think this car is a cutie!
This care is very cute!! Thanks for sharing.
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nice blog!love your collection.
thanks God u all right, drive safely next time ;)
Oh gosh - I hadn't seen one of these in several years. I got a chuckle from your story -
one year before that cadillac made what i think is the greatest car of the klate fifties, there a pic of it in my current poston men's fashion in the fifties...also remember the waynes world car? thats cute too.
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