So......this is what my hair looked like today. I have That Girl hair!! I didn't even have to try to get it to do this. Seriously! It just does it! Actually it's a little shorter, just below my chin (I'm trying to let it grow out). Now I have this feeling That Girl went through a lot of trouble to get her hair to do this. I'm quite certain she just didn't get out of the shower and this happened. Yep, that's all I did! I took a shower and washed my hair and this is what it looked like when it dried, minus the big bangs. My question is this, is That Girl hair too weird for the year 2007? I need your fashion advice! Why didn't someone who lived in 1966 get this hair?? The other option to That Girl hair is blow drying it for 15 minutes while it's 95 degrees outside and needing to take another shower when I'm done because I'm so hot and sweaty and gross. Grow hair, grow!!!! I think when it gets longer I won't have this problem anymore.
This was a cute post, I enjoyed reading it. :]
I often think I would have fit in better in the 80's, because my "got out of the shower and that's how it looked hair" would have fit in perfectly back then.
She looked like it took her days to do this...lol I am sure it's looks better on you. But if you walk out side and someone throws rocks at you because of it you submit there names to me and I'll beat them up after school for you.
Ahhhh, thanks for being my hero!
Thanks for the kind words
hehe...I think the hair-do is kinda cute! :)
hehe cool post
Great post; I think you should wear the 'That Girl' hair-do! I have been watching old That Girl re-runs on
so it was fun to come across your post. That Girls outfits were so coordinated with the skirt, top and matching coat and hat. Great fashion study. You have a nice blog, its an enjoyable read.
That Girl's hair isn't so bad at all, except that it would be hard to keep it looking that way all the time!
Did you do a freeze-frame or whine at Donald today?
Hey - cute post - just love your blog ! Am now a follower !! Cheers XO
Great information, you have a wonderful blog and an excellent article!!
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