After the week I've had at work I need a drink! Unfortunately, I think I might have a cold (caused by stress) so I probably shouldn't. Someone told me once if you don't know for sure that it's a cold it's probably allergies. So, who knows! I took some Airborne this morning. Has anyone tried that stuff? I think it totally works! I got generic this time and for some reason it tastes REALLY gross! I don't know if I can drink anymore. Maybe it's allergies. All I know is right now I'm dreaming about having a nice drink. Nice has the most lovely vintage barware. I love this swanky ice bucket! It looks like it came from the Rat Pack's hotel room in Vegas. I think these are some pretty hip bar glasses also. They would be perfect for a nice Long Beach Iced Tea. Nice used to have a lot more great barware. It must have sold. I hope they get some more in.