I have been gone all weekend visiting my mom for Mother's Day. It is so hard for me to get stuff done on the computer at her house. She has not joined the 21st century so she still has dial up. It takes me 5x longer to do anything at her house than at mine. I beg and beg but she hasn't given in yet. She has her service with some little independent local company. She loves that fact that when she calls she talks to a real person who is nice to her. She doesn't seem to care that her service is horrible! So, here is my belated post in honor of Mother's Day. I thought I would post a few pics of one of my favorite retro moms. Carol Brady had some groovy little mod outfits! She had a few fashion moments I wasn't fond of but sometimes she was way cool! I love the color combination in this outfit. The blue in the necklace really brings out her eyes. I also like her sassy little haircut. I was never a fan of the long shag thing she had towards the end of the series.

Ah, here is the gross hairct in this photo but I had to post it because I like the blouse she is wearing. It fits so well and I love the retro look of it.

I love the mod looking top she is wearing in this photo and the color red is always great. I recently bought a very similar brown top at H and M . I actually wore it yesterday for Mother's Day with a pair of white capris. I hope you all had a good Mother's Day!

love the hair too!
Happy belated Mother's day to you too! :)
she was actually pretty hip!
that 70s haircut was inexcusable though... it was like a girl-mullet. sheesh.
Nicee blog thanks for posting
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